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My Comments

  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    I see your point, but I think it's a mistake to take the "science always surprises us so it will continue to surprise us" route. There will eventually come a time when we've run out of tools to exploit in the universe. And we don't know when that time will come, or if future advancements will come in space travel at all.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    You're killing it here, man. Keep up the great answers. That's my thought. Side effects. You likely can't mess with an atom's atomic structure and still expect it to behave the same way.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    This. Gravity or no gravity it still takes more energy to move something huge than something small.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    I'm not sure you read the article...
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    I'm of the opinion that everything rules. I'm a universe enthusiast.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    From what I've read, we can occasionally communicate with dolphins through things like touchscreens and whatnot, but generally we have to wait for them to be interested. More often than not they just want to dolphin around all day bein dolphins without much care for hoo-mans.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    I'm going to watch that so hard you don't even know. Thanks for the recommendation. I'm all about that kind of thing.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    Haha This is a great thought. But I think they'd probably suck. Video games only work for humans because our brains get all happy when we do certain things. Our brains loooove audiovisual feedback, and they looove overcoming obstacles through strategy. A lot of that is a product of our upbringing in the fricken jungles and savannahs so who knows if they even have games at all. I'd bet their awesome tech *could* specially craft something for us though.
  • 10 lies video games tell us about outer space on October 26, 2012
    So true, and yeah devs definitely have artistic license to do whatever they want. And I hope they continue being imaginative with space. The danger though is when they stretch the truth subtly (as in the case of their depictions of how space looks). People who don't have any other source of science information can end up getting fact and fiction mixed up. It's harmless, but it's also important to set the record straight. Because like it or not, fiction is often people's only source of factual info.
  • James Bond Trivia: Think you know 007? on October 12, 2012
    Change noted! Thanks for your infinite knowledge. :-)

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